Всего книг: 32

Silence, Civility, and Sanity : Hope for Humanity in a Digital Age
Lexington Books, 2022
Adam Ellwanger
Metanoia : Rhetoric, Authenticity, and the Transformation of the Self
Penn State University Press, 2020
Andrew F. Wood
A Rhetoric of Ruins : Exploring Landscapes of Abandoned Modernity
Lexington Books, 2021
Anthony Burke, Kyle Jensen, Jack Selzer
The War of Words
University of California Press, 2018
Brian G. Slocum, Francis J. Mootz III
Justice Scalia : Rhetoric and the Rule of Law
University of Chicago Press, 2019
Bruce McComiskey
Rhetoric and the Dead Sea Scrolls : Purity, Covenant, and Strategy at Qumran
Penn State University Press, 2021
Carly S. Woods
Debating Women : Gender, Education, and Spaces for Argument, 1835-1945
Michigan State University Press, 2018
Colleen Elizabeth Kelley
Democratic Disunity : Rhetorical Tribalism in 2020
Lexington Books, 2022
Danyal Freeman, Author
Seductive Academic Writing
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018
De Fina, Anna, Perrino, Sabina
Storytelling in the Digital World
John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2019
Eda Başak Hancı-Azizoglu, Maha Alawdat
Rhetoric and Sociolinguistics in Times of Global Crisis
Information Science Reference, 2021
Erec Smith
A Critique of Anti-racism in Rhetoric and Composition : The Semblance of Empowerment
Lexington Books, 2020
Goretti Faya Ornia, Author
A Handout on Medical English for Health Professionals
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017
James Fredal
The Enthymeme : Syllogism, Reasoning, and Narrative in Ancient Greek Rhetoric
Penn State University Press, 2020
John T. Scott
Rousseau's Reader : Strategies of Persuasion and Education
University of Chicago Press, 2020
Kelly Jakes
Strains of Dissent : Popular Music and Everyday Resistance in WWII France, 1940 - 1945
Michigan State University Press, 2019
Kelly Pender
Being at Genetic Risk : Toward a Rhetoric of Care
Penn State University Press, 2018
Kevin Musgrave
Persons of the Market : Conservatism, Corporate Personhood, and Economic Theology
Michigan State University Press, 2022
Lisa S. Villadsen, Jason A. Edwards
The Rhetoric of Official Apologies : Critical Essays
Lexington Books, 2021
Luke Strongman, Author
Academic Writing
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013
Lynette Hunter
Humanism, Capitalism, and Rhetoric in Early Modern England : The Separation of the Citizen From the Self
Medieval Institute Publications, 2022
Ogata, Takashi, Akimoto, Taisuke
Post-Narratology Through Computational and Cognitive Approaches
Information Science Reference, 2019
Olaf Kramer, Markus Gottschling
Recontextualized Knowledge : Rhetoric – Situation – Science Communication
De Gruyter, 2021
Ramesh Pokharel, Author
Remapping the Rhetorical Situation in Networked Culture
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021
Robin Reames
Seeming and Being in Plato’s Rhetorical Theory
University of Chicago Press, 2018
Samuel McCormick
The Chattering Mind : A Conceptual History of Everyday Talk
University of Chicago Press, 2019
Semin Kazazoğlu, Editor
Critical Reading and Writing in the 21st Century
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022
Sonja K. Foss, Cindy L. Griffin
Inviting Understanding : A Portrait of Invitational Rhetoric
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2020
Stephen J. Hartnett
A World of Turmoil : The United States, China, and Taiwan in the Long Cold War
Michigan State University Press, 2021
Susan Wells
Robert Burton’s Rhetoric : An Anatomy of Early Modern Knowledge
Penn State University Press, 2019
Timothy Johnson
Rhetoric, Inc. : Ford’s Filmmaking and the Rise of Corporatism
Penn State University Press, 2021
Wright, Tom
Transatlantic Rhetoric : Speeches From the American Revolution to the Suffragettes
Edinburgh University Press, 2020