Всего книг: 15

Barbara J. O'Kane, Laura C. Barritt
Neuroscience for Dentistry
Thieme, 2022
Denis Le Bihan
Looking Inside the Brain : The Power of Neuroimaging
Princeton University Press, 2015
G.M. Pasinetti
Handbook of Microbiome and Gut-Brain-Axis in Alzheimer’s Disease
IOS Press, 2022
Gupta, Sanjeev Kumar, Venkatesan, S., Goswami, S. P., Kumar, Rajeev
Emerging Trends in the Diagnosis and Intervention of Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Medical Information Science Reference, 2019
Information Resources Management Association
Research Anthology on Diagnosing and Treating Neurocognitive Disorders
Medical Information Science Reference, 2021
J. Miklossy
Handbook of Infection and Alzheimer's Disease
IOS Press, 2017
Jeremy C. Ganz, Author
Neurosurgery before Science: Taking a Chance
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021
L. Calderón-Garcidueñas
Alzheimer's Disease and Air Pollution : The Development and Progression of a Fatal Disease From Childhood and the Opportunities for Early Prevention
IOS Press, 2021
Melissa M. Littlefield
Instrumental Intimacy : EEG Wearables and Neuroscientific Control
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018
Perry, George, IOS Press
Alzheimer’s Disease: New Beginnings
IOS Press, 2018
R.J. Castellani
Handbook of Traumatic Brain Injury and Neurodegeneration
IOS Press, 2020
R.J. Schwartzman
Differential Diagnosis in Neurology : Revised Second Edition
IOS Press, 2019
Sahab Uddin, Md, Shah Amran, Md
Handbook of Research on Critical Examinations of Neurodegenerative Disorders
Medical Information Science Reference, 2019
Starcevic, Ana
Chronic Stress and Its Effect on Brain Structure and Connectivity
Medical Information Science Reference, 2019
Tanu Wadhera, Deepti Kakkar
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Altering Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Medical Information Science Reference, 2020