Всего книг: 6

Jiaqi Zhu, Jiecai Han
Infrared Antireflective and Protective Coatings
De Gruyter, 2018
Mohammad Hossein Keshavarz, Thomas M. Klapötke
The Properties of Energetic Materials : Sensitivity, Physical and Thermodynamic Properties
De Gruyter, 2021
Raju Datla, Editor, Xinfa Yang, Editor, Liang Yun, Editor
Performance, Technology and Application of High Performance Marine Vessels Volume One
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018
Robert D. Eldridge, Editor, Musashi Katsuhiro, Editor
The Japan Self-Defense Forces Law: Translation, History, and Analysis
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019
Robert M. Farley, Davida H. Isaacs
Patents for Power : Intellectual Property Law and the Diffusion of Military Technology
University of Chicago Press, 2020
Thomas M. Klapötke
Chemistry of High-Energy Materials
De Gruyter, 2017