Performance, Technology and Application of High Performance Marine Vessels Volume One
Raju Datla, Editor, Xinfa Yang, Editor, Liang Yun, Editor

There has been tremendous growth in the development of advanced marine vehicles over the last few decades and many of these developments have been presented at the International High Performance Marine Vehicles Conference held annually since 1997 in Shanghai, China. This comprehensive first volume covers high speed monohulls, multihulls, hydrofoil craft, air cavity craft and wing-in-ground effect craft. The papers cover a wide variety of hullforms, including deep-V hulls, stepped hulls, axe-bow hullforms, trimarans and pentamarans, foil assisted catamarans and air-lubrication craft. All aspects of design, including resistance, powering, seakeeping and maneuvering performance of these vessels, are covered through theoretical, experimental and numerical investigations.

Cambridge Scholars Publishing
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