Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery : A Practical Guide
Brian A. Francis, Steven R. Sarkisian, Jr, James C. Tan

The most comprehensive, up-to-date textbook on Minimally Invasive Glaucoma SurgeryGlaucoma affects millions of people worldwide and is the second leading cause of blindness. Major advances in innovative surgical techniques, collectively termed minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS), have revolutionized the field. These groundbreaking ophthalmic surgery approaches are effective, are not bleb-dependent, and they result in fewer complications. Authored by a Who's Who of prominent experts in the MIGS movement, this book represents the most comprehensive book written to date on the subject.Leading glaucoma surgeons offer unique perspectives and experience gleaned from developing and mastering these state-of-the-art techniques. The first four sections discuss fundamental concepts of eye anatomy and structure, outflow implications, and aqueous production. The remaining sections cover the latest cutting-edge procedures elucidated through text descriptions and case studies, with the final two chapters offering insights into how to best incorporate MIGS into your practice and possibilities for combining MIGS procedures to expand the treatment algorithm for patients with more moderate to advanced disease. Meticulous, step-by-step drawings, photos, and surgical videos further delineate advanced MIGS techniques.Select State-of-the-Art ProceduresTrabecular OutflowTrabectomeGonioscopic Assisted Transluminal Trabeculotomy (GATT)Ab Interno 360 Degree Goniotomy (TRAB360)iStentHydrusEximer Laser TrabeculoplastyUveoscleral OutflowCanaloplastySOLX Gold ShuntCyPassiStent SupraAqueous Humor ReductionEndoscopic CyclophotocoagulationTransconjunctival FiltrationAquesys XEN Gel StentInnFocus MicroshuntThis remarkable resource will enable ophthalmologists to incorporate cutting-edge MIGS into practice. It is a must have for any clinician who endeavors to advance the treatment of glaucoma.

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