Automation in Tree Fruit Production : Principles and Practice
Qin Zhang
The technology that allows automation in agriculture is rapidly developing and being applied to wide variety of key crops. This book focuses on automation in tree fruit crops worldwide. It covers topics such as automated tree fruit production systems, plant stress sensing and high-throughput phenotyping in precision horticulture, the economics of automation in tree fruit production, light interception sensing systems for canopy management, precision irrigation and water management, precision technologies for pest and disease management, opportunities for the application of robotics in tree fruit production, and the mechanical harvesting and handling of fruit crops.
- Издательство:
- CAB International
- Год издания:
- 2017
- 978-1-7806-4850-7
- 978-1-7806-4851-4
- 978-1-7806-4852-1
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