Plastic Surgery Emergencies : Principles and Techniques
Jamal M. Bullocks, Patrick W. Hsu, Shayan A. Izaddoost

An updated edition of a key clinical guide to handling emergency situations...The second edition of this detailed guide to the diagnosis and treatment of common plastic surgery emergencies includes updated clinical information on the most common emergency situations. This book gives plastic surgeons, as well as any physicians who may encounter emergency plastic surgery issues, the basic skills they need to effectively treat their patients and to ultimately be successful in their practice.Key Features of the Second Edition:New chapter covering sternal woundsEasy-to-follow color diagrams demonstrating key procedures and full-color photographs for rapid diagnosisPlastic Surgery Emergencies is an indispensable resource for clinicians, residents, and trainees in plastic surgery. It is also ideal for all emergency room personnel, including ER physicians, physicians'assistants, and nurse practitioners, as well as family practice physicians.

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