Innovative Applications of Mo(W)-Based Catalysts in the Petroleum and Chemical Industry : Emerging Research and Opportunities
Ge, Hui

Mo(W)-Based Catalysts have the capacity to drastically impact many different industries. Research on their most current applications is important for the success of many organizations and companies, specifically the chemical and petroleum industries. Innovative Applications of Mo(W)-Based Catalysts in the Petroleum and Chemical Industry: Emerging Research and Opportunities is an informative resource that overviews emerging methods and techniques that incorporate 2D layer Mo(W) dichalcogenides. Featuring extensive coverage on a range of subjects including 2D nanosheets, hybridization, dichacogenides, and oxide based catalysts, this is an ideal publication for academicians, students, engineers, and researchers seeking insight on the latest advancements in Mo(W)-Based catalyst applications.

Engineering Science Reference
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