Economic Dynamics of Global Energy Geopolitics
Ikiz, Ahmet Salih

The dominant powers in world energy geopolitics have radically changed in last couple of decades due to the increased demand for natural energy resources (i.e., coal and oil). Because of these power shifts, the economics of energy has become much more entangled in international relations. Economic Dynamics of Global Energy Geopolitics provides emerging research exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of the geo-economics of energy resources and how this affects countries'economies. It also explores the implementation of energy supply and demand in world markets. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as socio-economics, supply/demand fluctuations, and foreign direct investment, this book is ideally designed for engineers, economists, academicians, researchers, policymakers, and graduate-level students seeking current research on the role of economics and policy in energy geopolitics.

Engineering Science Reference
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