Formal Methods in Architecture and Urbanism
David Leite Viana, Editor, Franklim Morais, Editor, Jorge Vieira Vaz, Editor

The book promotes the use of formal methods in the creation of new explicit languages for problem solving in architecture and urbanism. Formal methods bring advantages to human actions and involve the use of theoretically driven techniques, expressed in languages stemmed from mathematics. Formalization seeks to guarantee that solutions for daily problems are produced in a manner that ensures their greatest possible adequacy and the least test time in direct confrontation with reality. This book contributes to the progress of formalization in architectural methodologies by finding points of convergence between state of the art research on ontologies in architecture, BIM/VDC, CAD/CAM, cellular automata, GIS, parametric processes, processing and space syntax presented within the 3rd Symposium of Formal Methods in Architecture. The contents reach from millennial geometry to current shape grammars, engaging several formal approaches to architecture and urbanism, with different points of view, fields of application, grades of abstraction and formalization.

Cambridge Scholars Publishing
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