Handbook of Research on the Adverse Effects of Pesticide Pollution in Aquatic Ecosystems
Wani, Khursheed Ahmad, IGI Global, Mamta

Certain types of pesticides are widely used in agriculture in all parts of the world due to their relatively low cost, broad spectrum of activity, and high efficiency. These pollutants contaminate not only the surrounding soils and water but, in many cases, also enter into the drinking water. The Handbook of Research on the Adverse Effects of Pesticide Pollution in Aquatic Ecosystems provides emerging research exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of the prevention of accumulation of toxic pollutants such as agrochemicals and organochlorine pesticides in aquatic ecosystems and applications within ecology and agriculture. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as pesticide monitoring, metabolites, and risk assessment, this book is ideally designed for scientists, researchers, engineers, policymakers, agricultural specialists, industrialists, academicians, and students seeking current research on the risks of water contaminants in small ecosystems.

Engineering Science Reference
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