Mediated Communication
Philip M. Napoli
The Handbooks of Communication Science integrate knowledge of communication structures and processes. The series is also dedicated to investigating cultural and epistemological diversity, covering work originating from around the globe and often applying very different scholarly approaches. The series covers the following topics: Theories and Models of Communication (introductory volume) Messages, Codes and Channels: e.g., non-verbal, verbal, and visual communication, communication and technology Mode of Address, Communicative Situations and Contexts: e.g., narrowcasting (interpersonal communication), broadcasting (mass communication), organizational communication Methodologies: e.g., research logic, content and text analysis, research methods Application Areas: e.g., marketing communications, public relations, communication laws and policies, health communication, intercultural communication, science communication, political communication, journalism, entertainment The Future of Communication Science (concluding volume) The series aims at meeting the needs of undergraduates, postgraduates, academics and researchers across the communication sciences, as well as people interested in communication and its processes, such as politicians, PR managers and journalists. Ultimately, the Handbooks of Communication Science are a comprehensive summation of the field in the early decades of the 21st century.
- Издательство:
- De Gruyter Mouton
- Год издания:
- 2018
- 978-3-1104-7864-8
- 978-3-1104-7868-6
- 978-3-1104-8112-9
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