Francophonie En Orient : Aux Croisements France-Asie (1840-1940)
Mathilde Kang
This book offers a pioneering study of Asian cultures that officially escaped from French colonisation but nonetheless were steeped in French civilisation in the colonial era and had heavily French-influenced, largely francophone literatures. It raises a number of provocative questions, including whether colonisation is the ultimate requirement for a culture's being defined as francophone, or how to think about francophone literatures that emerge from Asian nations that were historically free from French domination. The ultimate result is a redefining of the Asian francophone heritage according to new, transnational paradigms.
- Издательство:
- Amsterdam University Press
- Год издания:
- 2018
- 978-9-4629-8514-8
- 978-9-0485-3617-7
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