Advanced Coatings for the Corrosion Protection of Metals
Burduhos-Nergis, D.P

The corrosion protection of metallic materials is of great importance in many fields, especially also when it comes to environmental issues. The book focuses on organic and inorganic coatings, metallic coatings and new methods for the deposition of protective thin layers. Coating techniques and methods for testing and assessing corrosion behavior are presented. Keywords: Anticorrosion Coating, Metal Corrosion, Electrochemical Corrosion, Biochemical Corrosion, Atmospheric Corrosion, Underground Corrosion, Aqueous Corrosion, Corrosion Involving Mechanical Stress, Microbiological Corrosion, Metal Passivation, Metallic Layers, Spray Metal Coatings, Diffusion Coatings, Cladding Coatings, Inorganic Layers, Organic Layers, Phosphating, Oxidation, Chromating, Enamelling, Painting, Varnishing, Bituminous Coatings, Protective Thin Layers, PVD Method, Layers by Thermal Evaporation, Cathodic Spray Deposition, CVD Method, Wear Resistant Thin Layers, Decorative Thin Film Deposition.

Materials Research Forum LLC
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