Fault-Zone Guided Wave, Ground Motion, Landslide and Earthquake Forecast
Yong-Gang Li
The book covers multi-disciplinary topics in observational, computational and applied geophysics in aspects of solid earth system. The authors provide an up-to-date overview for methods and techniques in seismology, with a focus on fault structure, strong ground motion and earthquake forecast based on full-3D earth structure models. Abundant of case studies make it a practical reference for researchers in seismology and applied geophysics.
- Издательство:
- De Gruyter
- Год издания:
- 2018
- 978-3-1105-4251-6
- 978-3-1105-4268-4
- 978-3-1105-4355-1
- 978-3-1105-4356-8
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