Handbook of Research on Technology Integration in the Global World
Idemudia, Efosa C.
Technology's presence in society continues to increase as new products and programs emerge. As such, it is vital for various industries to rapidly adapt and learn to incorporate the latest technology applications and tools. The Handbook of Research on Technology Integration in the Global World is an essential reference source that examines a variety of approaches to integrating technology through technology diffusion, e-collaboration, and e-adoption. The book explores topics such as information systems agility, semantic web, and the digital divide. This publication is a valuable resource for academicians, practitioners, researchers, and upper-level graduate students.
- Издательство:
- Information Science Reference
- Год издания:
- 2018
- 978-1-5225-6367-9
- 978-1-5225-6368-6
- 978-1-5225-6369-3
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