Urban Pest Control : A Practitioner's Guide
Partho Dhang

This guide brings together the varied and multiple skills and activities required of pest control practitioners, including biology, chemistry, architecture, engineering, sales, logistics, legal and accounting, presented with a primary emphasis on pest organisms at its core. This book provides information and tips on all of these aspects and: explores the business of controlling pests (including trends in the industry, pest control tools, and sustainable pest control); covers biological information on each pest in addition to information on control and management, monitoring and follow-up; focusses particularly on globally significant pests with internationally-applicable use and guidance; and provides practical and hands-on experience, drawing on original case studies This is a key resource for pest control practitioners, as well as in-house staff of companies or buildings involved in household or urban pest control. It is also a valuable reference for researchers, and sanitation and building managers.

CAB International
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