Library and Media Roles in Information Hygiene and Managing Information
Collence Takaingenhamo Chisita, Alexander Madanha Rusero, Ngoako Solomon Marutha, Josiline Phiri Chigwada, Oluwole Olumide Durodolu

Despite the proliferation of smart technologies, the challenges of information hygiene continue to wreak havoc on the information landscape, creating a critical need to explore and analyze how such a phenomenon can be handled. Further research is required in order to better understand the various difficulties and opportunities within the field. Library and Media Roles in Information Hygiene and Managing Information explores the concept of information hygiene at a time when citizens all over the world are deluged with an avalanche of information. The book also identifies challenges and opportunities for information science practitioners and media institutions in the fight against information disorder and explores the unhygienic practices in the information value chain. Covering topics such as information regulation, digital literacy, and records management, this reference work is ideal for librarians, computer scientists, researchers, academicians, scholars, practitioners, instructors, and students.

Information Science Reference
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