Big Data Analytics for Entrepreneurial Success
Sedkaoui, Soraya

In a resolutely practical and data-driven project universe, the digital age changed the way data is collected, stored, analyzed, visualized and protected, transforming business opportunities and strategies. It is important for today's organizations and entrepreneurs to implement a robust data strategy and industrialize a set of “data-driven” solutions to utilize big data analytics to its fullest potential. Big Data Analytics for Entrepreneurial Success provides emerging perspectives on the theoretical and practical aspects of data analysis tools and techniques within business applications. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as algorithms, data collection, and machine learning, this publication provides concrete examples and case studies of successful uses of data-driven projects as well as the challenges and opportunities of generating value from data using analytics. It is ideally designed for entrepreneurs, researchers, business owners, managers, graduate students, academicians, software developers, and IT professionals seeking current research on the essential tools and technologies for organizing, analyzing, and benefiting from big data.

Business Science Reference
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