Handbook of Research on Green Engineering Techniques for Modern Manufacturing
Uthayakumar, M., IGI Global, Raj, S. Aravind, Ko, Tae Jo, Kumaran, S. Thirumalai, Davim, J. Paulo

Green manufacturing has developed into an essential aspect of contemporary manufacturing practices, calling for environmentally friendly and sustainable techniques. Implementing successful green manufacturing processes not only improves business efficiency and competitiveness but also reduces harmful production in the environment. The Handbook of Research on Green Engineering Techniques for Modern Manufacturing provides emerging perspectives on the theoretical and practical aspects of green industrial concepts, such as green supply chain management and reverse logistics, for the sustainable utilization of resources and applications within manufacturing and engineering. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as additive manufacturing, integrated manufacturing systems, and machine materials, this publication is ideally designed for engineers, environmental professionals, researchers, academicians, managers, policymakers, and graduate-level students seeking current research on recent and sustainable practices in manufacturing processes.

Engineering Science Reference
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