Values in Foreign Policy : Investigating Ideals and Interests
Krishnan Srinivasan, James Mayall, Sanjay Pulipaka

Values in Foreign Policy: Investigating Ideals and Interests covers all aspects of the tension between values and national priorities, with specific reference to the leading countries of today. The volume explores the effect of the enlightenment, colonialism, modernity and post-modernity in determining contemporary value systems which are often uncomfortable in their interface with each other. This book, written in accessible, non-technical language, will be of interest and benefit to policy-makers and practitioners of foreign policy, as well as the academic community. It will be equally valuable to anyone interested in international relations. Written by specialists in the field of foreign relations, this is the closest examination ever made of the impulses which drive the foreign policies of the world's most important countries, touching on the legacies of religion, civilization, culture and history.Companion website:

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
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