Library Programming Made Easy : A Practical Guide for Librarians
Michelle Demeter, Haley K. Holmes

Libraries are always looking for new ways to engage with their patrons, and well-planned programming is one way to accomplish this goal. Library programming accomplishes this. Successful programming can be found in offering a variety of events, focusing activities on specific constituents, and providing meaningful library experiences. It can also be seen in advertising, social media, and the careful planning and execution of programs that ensure high quality engagement and participation. This book provides in-depth practical advice and examples of public and academic library programming activities. Included in this volume are methods for identifying target audiences, activities and ways to find and generate even more ideas, tools for assessment and budgeting, and tips on planning programs from inception to execution.Chapters include:Making a Case for ProgrammingDiscovering the Best Programs for Your LibraryFinding Programming PartnersFunding and BudgetingGetting Organized and Executing ProgramsAdvertising Your Programs for SuccessPublic and Academic Library ProgrammingAssessment and EvaluationLibraries use programming to build and maintain strong partnerships and collaborative opportunities that actively engage their users. In addition to these community-building measures programming can provide assessment tools that help inform future decision-making within the library environment while also assuring quality events and activities. Use this book to attract new patrons, highlight library services and resources, and showcase the overall quality and value of your library.

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
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