Handbook of Research on Smart Computing for Renewable Energy and Agro-Engineering
Valeriy Kharchenko, Pandian Vasant

The rise in population and the concurrently growing consumption rate necessitates the evolution of agriculture to adopt current computational technologies to increase production at a faster and smoother scale. While existing technologies may help in crop processing, there is a need for studies that seek to understand how modern approaches like artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic, and hybrid algorithms can aid the agricultural process while utilizing energy sources efficiently. The Handbook of Research on Smart Computing for Renewable Energy and Agro-Engineering is an essential publication that examines the benefits and barriers of implementing computational models to agricultural production and energy sources as well as how these models can produce more cost-effective and sustainable solutions. Featuring coverage on a wide range of topics such as bacterial foraging, swarm intelligence, and combinatorial optimization, this book is ideally designed for agricultural engineers, farmers, municipal union leaders, computer scientists, information technologists, sustainable developers, managers, environmentalists, industry professionals, academicians, researchers, and students.

Engineering Science Reference
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