Exploring the Relationship Between Media, Libraries, and Archives
Chisita, Collence Takaingenhamo, Rusero, Alexander M.

New forms of digitalization and digital media technologies are positively and negatively disrupting the free flow of information preservation. These new technologies are revolutionizing the way messages are transmitted and breaking the traditional monopolization of information by well-established institutions. Exploring the Relationship Between Media, Libraries, and Archives provides emerging research on new digital trends in information preservation, origination, and sharing. While highlighting the current shift in information sharing from institutional archives to digital platforms, readers will learn how media, librarians, and archivists reinvent their processes to meet the ever-progressing needs of users. This book is an ideal resource for librarians, archivists, information preservers, and media professionals aiming to find a balance among the use of media, new digital technologies, libraries, and archives in preserving and furthering information sharing.

Information Science Reference
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