Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in System Security, Information Privacy, and Forensics
Khosrow-Pour, Mehdi, IGI Global

Cyber-attacks are rapidly becoming one of the most prevalent issues globally, and as they continue to escalate, it is imperative to explore new approaches and technologies that help ensure the security of the online community. Beyond cyber-attacks, personal information is now routinely and exclusively housed in cloud-based systems. The rising use of information technologies requires stronger information security and system procedures to reduce the risk of information breaches. Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in System Security, Information Privacy, and Forensics presents emerging research and methods on preventing information breaches and further securing system networks. While highlighting the rising concerns in information privacy and system security, this book explores the cutting-edge methods combatting digital risks and cyber threats. This book is an important resource for information technology professionals, cybercrime researchers, network analysts, government agencies, business professionals, academicians, and practitioners seeking the most up-to-date information and methodologies on cybercrime, digital terrorism, network security, and information technology ethics.

Information Science Reference
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