Global Cyber Security Labor Shortage and International Business Risk
Christiansen, Bryan, IGI Global, Piekarz, Agnieszka

Global events involving cybersecurity breaches have highlighted the ever-growing dependence on interconnected online systems in international business. The increasing societal dependence on information technology has pushed cybersecurity to the forefront as one of the most urgent challenges facing the global community today. Poor cybersecurity is the primary reason hackers are able to penetrate safeguards in business computers and other networks, and the growing global skills gap in cybersecurity simply exacerbates the problem. Global Cyber Security Labor Shortage and International Business Risk provides emerging research exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of protecting computer systems against online threats as well as transformative business models to ensure sustainability and longevity. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as cybercrime, technology security training, and labor market understanding, this book is ideally designed for professionals, managers, IT consultants, programmers, academicians, and students seeking current research on cyber security's influence on business, education, and social networks.

Business Science Reference
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