Applications of Image Processing and Soft Computing Systems in Agriculture
Razmjooy, Navid, IGI Global, Estrela, Vania Vieira

The variety and abundance of qualitative characteristics of agricultural products have been the main reasons for the development of different types of non-destructive methods (NDTs). Quality control of these products is one of the most important tasks in manufacturing processes. The use of control and automation has become more widespread, and new approaches provide opportunities for production competition through new technologies. Applications of Image Processing and Soft Computing Systems in Agriculture examines applications of artificial intelligence in agriculture and the main uses of shape analysis on agricultural products such as relationships between form and genetics, adaptation, product characteristics, and product sorting. Additionally, it provides insights developed through computer vision techniques. Highlighting such topics as deep learning, agribusiness, and augmented reality, it is designed for academicians, researchers, agricultural practitioners, and industry professionals.

Engineering Science Reference
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