Diversity and Inclusion in Libraries : A Call to Action and Strategies for Success
Shannon D. Jones, Beverly Murphy
The news and scholarly literature are replete with stories and articles describing the challenges that diverse individuals face in their local communities and workplaces. Diversity and Inclusion in Libraries: A Call to Action and Strategies for Success is arranged in three parts: Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter, Equipping the Library Staff, and Voices from the Field.This book tackles these issues head on and should appeal to a broad audience interested in diversity as it relates to libraries and librarianship, including professional librarians and paraprofessional library staff. Offering best practices strategies tempered by experiences and wisdom, this book will help libraries realize a high level of inclusion.
- Издательство:
- Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
- Год издания:
- 2019
- 978-1-5381-1438-4
- 978-1-5381-1439-1
- 978-1-5381-1440-7
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