Countering Cyber Attacks and Preserving the Integrity and Availability of Critical Systems
Geetha, S., Phamila, Asnath Victy

The rate of cybercrimes is increasing because of the fast-paced advancements in computer and internet technology. Crimes employing mobile devices, data embedding/mining systems, computers, network communications, or any malware impose a huge threat to data security. Countering Cyber Attacks and Preserving the Integrity and Availability of Critical Systems addresses current problems and issues emerging in cyber forensics and investigations and proposes new solutions that can be adopted and implemented to counter security breaches within various organizations. The publication examines a variety of topics such as advanced techniques for forensic developments in computer and communication-link environments and legal perspectives including procedures for cyber investigations, standards, and policies. It is designed for policymakers, forensic analysts, technology developers, security administrators, academicians, researchers, and students.

Information Science Reference
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