Cryptographic Security Solutions for the Internet of Things
Banday, Mohammad Tariq

The Internet of Things is a technological revolution that represents the future of computing and communications. Even though efforts have been made to standardize Internet of Things devices and how they communicate with the web, a uniform architecture is not followed. This inconsistency directly impacts and limits security standards that need to be put in place to secure the data being exchanged across networks. Cryptographic Security Solutions for the Internet of Things is an essential reference source that discusses novel designs and recent developments in cryptographic security control procedures to improve the efficiency of existing security mechanisms that can help in securing sensors, devices, networks, communication, and data in the Internet of Things. With discussions on cryptographic algorithms, encryption techniques, and authentication procedures, this book is ideally designed for managers, IT consultants, startup companies, ICT procurement managers, systems and network integrators, infrastructure service providers, students, researchers, and academic professionals.

Information Science Reference
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