Artificial Intelligence and Security Challenges in Emerging Networks
Abassi, Ryma

The recent rise of emerging networking technologies such as social networks, content centric networks, Internet of Things networks, etc, have attracted significant attention from academia as well as industry professionals looking to utilize these technologies for efficiency purposes. However, the allure of such networks and resultant storage of high volumes of data leads to increased security risks, including threats to information privacy. Artificial Intelligence and Security Challenges in Emerging Networks is an essential reference source that discusses applications of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data mining, as well as other tools and strategies to protect networks against security threats and solve security and privacy problems. Featuring research on topics such as encryption, neural networks, and system verification, this book is ideally designed for ITC procurement managers, IT consultants, systems and network integrators, infrastructure service providers, computer and software engineers, startup companies, academicians, researchers, managers, and students.

Engineering Science Reference
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