Achieving Full Realization and Mitigating the Challenges of the Internet of Things
Marcel Ohanga Odhiambo, Weston Mwashita

As the internet of things market is booming, several issues are delaying the full realization of the technology. Currently, business competitors are jockeying for a piece of the market, meaning solutions from researchers that address these issues is crucial for internet of things technology developers. Overpromising followed by underdelivering has been the current approach by many innovators, and the mismatch results in losses in production, orphaned technologies, and frequent system failures. Solutions that address internet of things performance issues must be studied in order to take full advantage of this emerging market. Achieving Full Realization and Mitigating the Challenges of the Internet of Things addresses the challenges faced in rolling out internet of things technologies as well as the various performance issues. Covering a range of topics such as cybersecurity and connectivity issues, this reference work is ideal for industry professionals, academicians, researchers, practitioners, technology developers, instructors, and students.

Engineering Science Reference
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