Handbook of Research on Strategic Fit and Design in Business Ecosystems
Hacioğlu, Ümit

With advancing information technology, businesses must adapt to more efficient structures that utilize the latest in robotics and machine learning capabilities in order to create optimal human-robot cooperation. However, there are vital rising concerns regarding the possible consequences of deploying artificial intelligence, sophisticated robotic technologies, automated vehicles, self-managing supply modes, and blockchain economies on business performance and culture, including how to sustain a supportive business culture and to what extent a strategic fit between human-robot collaboration in a business ecosystem can be created. The Handbook of Research on Strategic Fit and Design in Business Ecosystems is a collection of innovative research that builds a futuristic view of evolving business ecosystems and a deeper understanding of business transformation processes in the new digital business era. Featuring research on topics such as cultural hybridization, Industry 4.0, and cybersecurity, this book is ideally designed for entrepreneurs, executives, managers, corporate strategists, economists, IT specialists, IT consultants, engineers, students, researchers, and academicians seeking to improve their understanding of future competitive business practices with the adoption of robotic and information technologies.

Business Science Reference
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