Handbook of Research on Digital Content Management and Development in Modern Libraries
S. Thanuskodi

Collection assessment can be defined as the systematic quantitative and qualitative measurement of the degree to which a library's collections meet the library's goals, objectives, and the needs of its users. E-resources are creating new challenges for collection assessment, which require that the collection be measured, analyzed, and judged according to specific criteria for relevancy, size, quality, and use. The Handbook of Research on Digital Content Management and Development in Modern Libraries is a critical scholarly resource that examines collection management and quality within information services. Featuring a wide range of topics such as e-resources, knowledge management, and consortia, this book is ideal for professionals, academicians, academic librarians, researchers, and students in the fields of library and information science, education, computer science, and information technology. Moreover, the book will provide insights and support executives concerned with the management of expertise, knowledge, information, and organizational development in different types of work communities and environments.

Information Science Reference
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