Measuring and Implementing Altmetrics in Library and Information Science Research
C. Baskaran

Researchers are becoming increasingly concerned with tracking the impact and reach that their research has on the academic community. Through the implementation of altmetrics, they can now better measure the value that their research has through the analysis of citing behavior and citation-based research evaluation. Measuring and Implementing Altmetrics in Library and Information Science Research is a critical research book that focuses on how altmetrics can help researchers to uncover evidence of societal engagement, influence, and broader impacts that demonstrate the value of their research. It builds a more complete picture of the visibility and profile of individual researchers and observes real-time social media updates that provide insight into how faculty's research is being shared from the moment it is published. Featuring a range of topics such as citations, big data, and social media, this book is essential for researchers, educators, librarians, professionals, academicians, administrators, and students.

Information Science Reference
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