Developing a Library Accessibility Plan : A Practical Guide for Librarians
Rebecca M. Marrall

Developing a Library Accessibility Plan: A Practical Guide for Librarians provides library professionals with the knowledge, tools and templates, and practical examples necessary for developing a tailored and comprehensive accessibility plan for their institution. Part One provides foundational knowledge about disability experiences in libraries, including an overview of existing legislation and a breakdown of the disability community in the United States. This part also names and defines the impact of different accessibility barriers within online, physical, and instructional settings for different populations. Part Two outlines the initial stages of a developing a comprehensive plan for resolving accessibility issues. These chapters explore how to conduct an environmental scan of existing challenges, strategies for identifying potential partners in the resolution of these problems, and how to prioritize accessibility initiatives and projects. Part Three provides several practical, real life examples of projects and initiatives drawn from the author's professional experiences. These case studies offer a summary of each accessibility project along the corresponding impact, finished by an analysis of'lessons learned'from the experience. A copy of all tools, templates, and other planning documents are available in the chapter itself. The book will help readers understand how to inventory, prioritize, plan, implement, and assess a comprehensive improvement plan for electronic, physical, and instructional and/or programming-related accessibility issues within their library.

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
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