Ethnic Minority Languages in China : Policy and Practice
Qingsheng Zhou
This ground-breaking series aims to bring together original studies andtranslated work on language, culture, and society in China and across theChinese diasporas worldwide. Topics covered in the series include languagepolicy and planning, language standardization and language engineering,language contact and multilingualism, minority languages, language ineducation, language and the media, language and the law, language andeconomy, language and history, language and culture, languages of theChinese disaporas worldwide, and Chinese as a global language. The seriesalso includes English translations of the laws and policies concerninglanguage in China and reports and surveys by Chinese official institutionsand agencies.
- Издательство:
- De Gruyter Mouton
- Год издания:
- 2020
- 978-1-5015-1502-6
- 978-1-5015-1151-6
- 978-1-5015-1183-7
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