AI and Big Data’s Potential for Disruptive Innovation
Strydom, Moses, IGI Global, Buckley, Sheryl

Big data and artificial intelligence (AI) are at the forefront of technological advances that represent a potential transformational mega-trend—a new multipolar and innovative disruption. These technologies, and their associated management paradigm, are already rapidly impacting many industries and occupations, but in some sectors, the change is just beginning. Innovating ahead of emerging technologies is the new imperative for any organization that aspires to succeed in the next decade. Faced with the power of this AI movement, it is imperative to understand the dynamics and new codes required by the disruption and to adapt accordingly. AI and Big Data's Potential for Disruptive Innovation provides emerging research exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of successfully implementing new and innovative technologies in a variety of sectors including business, transportation, and healthcare. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as semantic mapping, ethics in AI, and big data governance, this book is ideally designed for IT specialists, industry professionals, managers, executives, researchers, scientists, and engineers seeking current research on the production of new and innovative mechanization and its disruptions.

Engineering Science Reference
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