Handbook of Research on New Solutions and Technologies in Electrical Distribution Networks
Baseem Khan, Hassan Haes Alhelou, Ghassan Hayek

As the electrical industry continues to develop, one sector that still faces a range of concerns is the electrical distribution system. Excessive industrialization and inadequate billing are just a few issues that have plagued this electrical sector as it advances into the smart grid environment. Research is necessary to explore the possible solutions in fixing these problems and developing the distribution sector into an active and smart system. The Handbook of Research on New Solutions and Technologies in Electrical Distribution Networks is a collection of innovative research on the methods and applications of solving major issues within the electrical distribution system. Some issues covered within the publication include distribution losses, improper monitoring of system, renewable energy integration with micro-grid and distributed energy sources, and smart home energy management system modelling. This book is ideally designed for power engineers, electrical engineers, energy professionals, developers, technologists, policymakers, researchers, academicians, industry professionals, and students seeking current research on improving this key sector of the electrical industry.

Engineering Science Reference
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