Quantum Cryptography and the Future of Cyber Security
Nirbhay Kumar Chaubey, Bhavesh B. Prajapati

The shortcomings of modern cryptography and its weaknesses against computers that are becoming more powerful necessitate serious consideration of more robust security options. Quantum cryptography is sound, and its practical implementations are becoming more mature. Many applications can use quantum cryptography as a backbone, including key distribution, secure direct communications, large prime factorization, e-commerce, e-governance, quantum internet, and more. For this reason, quantum cryptography is gaining interest and importance among computer and security professionals. Quantum Cryptography and the Future of Cyber Security is an essential scholarly resource that provides the latest research and advancements in cryptography and cyber security through quantum applications. Highlighting a wide range of topics such as e-commerce, machine learning, and privacy, this book is ideal for security analysts, systems engineers, software security engineers, data scientists, vulnerability analysts, professionals, academicians, researchers, security professionals, policymakers, and students.

Information Science Reference
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