Mathematical Models of Convection
Victor K. Andreev, Yuri A. Gaponenko, Olga N. Goncharova, Vladislav V. Pukhnachev
The revised edition gives a comprehensive mathematical and physical presentation of fluid flows in non-classical models of convection - relevant in nature as well as in industry. After the concise coverage of fluid dynamics and heat transfer theory it discusses recent research. This monograph provides the theoretical foundation on a topic relevant to metallurgy, ecology, meteorology, geo-and astrophysics, aerospace industry, chemistry, crystal physics, and many other fields.
- Издательство:
- De Gruyter
- Год издания:
- 2020
- 978-3-1106-5378-6
- 978-3-1106-5394-6
- 978-3-1106-5546-9
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