Handbook of Research on Energy-Saving Technologies for Environmentally-Friendly Agricultural Development
Kharchenko, Valeriy, Vasant, Pandian

World population growth and the related increase in the demand for food and other goods has intensified agricultural production throughout the world. Some of today's technologies are characterized by relatively low productivity and high consumption of energy resources. The Handbook of Research on Energy-Saving Technologies for Environmentally-Friendly Agricultural Development is a comprehensive research publication that provides insight into new technologies that create efficient and environmentally-friendly energy potential sufficient for the organization of industrial and social-economic activity in rural areas. Highlighting a variety of topics such as economic development, renewable energy, and climate change, this book is ideal for agricultural business executives, engineers, scientists, environmentalists, entrepreneurs, academicians, researchers, students, and those working in the agro-industrial and housing and communal services sectors.

Engineering Science Reference
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