Handbook of Research on Applications and Implementations of Machine Learning Techniques
Velayutham, Sathiyamoorthi, IGI Global

Artificial intelligence is at the forefront of research and implementation in many industries including healthcare and agriculture. Whether it's detecting disease or generating algorithms, deep learning techniques are advancing exponentially. Researchers and professionals need a platform in which they can keep up with machine learning trends and their developments in the real world. The Handbook of Research on Applications and Implementations of Machine Learning Techniques provides innovative insights into the multi-disciplinary applications of machine learning algorithms for data analytics. The content within this publication examines disease identification, neural networks, and language support. It is designed for IT professionals, developers, data analysts, technology specialists, R&D professionals, industrialists, practitioners, researchers, academicians, and students seeking research on deep learning procedures and their enactments in the fields of medicine, engineering, and computer science.

Engineering Science Reference
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