Using Applied Mathematical Models for Business Transformation
Antoine Trad, Damir Kalpić
Traditional business practices have been left behind due to the increased use of data analytics and information technology in companies worldwide. This development has led to businesses implementing transformative projects that use these new technologies in their decision-making systems. Altering the entire architecture of a company is a daunting task; however, researchers are finding methods through applied mathematics that can make it easier on companies. Implementing analytical models into current business processes is vital for professionals across the globe. Using Applied Mathematical Models for Business Transformation is an essential reference source that discusses the advancement of decision-making systems in business environments with the use of applied mathematics, algorithms, and information technology. Featuring research on topics such as decision-making systems, critical success factors, and global enterprise architecture, this book is ideally designed for project managers, financial analysts, business strategists, software engineers, technical architects, students, researchers, and educators seeking coverage on the transformation of business practices using applied mathematics and information technology.
- Издательство:
- Business Science Reference
- Год издания:
- 2020
- 978-1-7998-1009-4
- 978-1-7998-1011-7
- 978-1-7998-1012-4
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