Avatar-Based Control, Estimation, Communications, and Development of Neuron Multi-Functional Technology Platforms
Vardan Mkrttchian, Ekaterina Aleshina, Leyla Gamidullaeva

Competition in today's global market offers strong motivation for the development of sophisticated tools within computer science. The neuron multi-functional technology platform is a developing field of study that regards the various interactive approaches that can be applied within this subject matter. As advancing technologies continue to emerge, managers and researchers need a compilation of research that discusses the advancements and specific implementations of these intelligent approaches with this platform. Avatar-Based Control, Estimation, Communications, and Development of Neuron Multi-Functional Technology Platforms is a pivotal reference source that provides vital research on the application of artificial and natural approaches towards neuron-based programs. While highlighting topics such as natural intelligence, neurolinguistics, and smart data storage, this publication presents techniques, case studies, and methodologies that combine the use of intelligent artificial and natural approaches with optimization techniques for facing problems and combines many types of hardware and software with a variety of communication technologies to enable the development of innovative applications. This book is ideally designed for researchers, practitioners, scientists, field experts, professors, and students seeking current research on the optimization of avatar-based advancements in multifaceted technology systems.

Engineering Science Reference
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