Research Anthology on Changing Dynamics of Diversity and Safety in the Workforce
Information Resources Management Association
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the importance of safety and ergonomics in the workplace. From work-life balance and mental health to risk prevention, maintaining a healthy and happy workforce has become essential for the progress of every company. Moreover, ensuring inclusive spaces has become a pillar of business with some worrying that the diversity agenda will be overshadowed by the recent pandemic. It is imperative that current research is compiled that sheds light on the advancements being made in promoting diversity and wellbeing in the modern workforce. The Research Anthology on Changing Dynamics of Diversity and Safety in the Workforce is a comprehensive reference source that provides the latest emerging research on diversity management and initiatives as well as occupational health and safety practices in the workplace. These concepts are necessary for global workplaces to remain safe, efficient, and inclusive. Covering topics such as employee equity, human resources practices, and worker wellbeing, this anthology provides an excellent resource for researchers, human resources personnel, managers, safety officers, policymakers, CEOs, students, professors, and academicians.
- Издательство:
- Business Science Reference
- Год издания:
- 2021
- 978-1-6684-2405-6
- 978-1-6684-2406-3
- 978-1-6684-2407-0
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