Handbook of Research on Green Technologies for Sustainable Management of Agricultural Resources
R.S. Sengar, Reshu Chaudhary, H.S. Bhadauriya

Green technology is focused on devising environmentally-friendly (eco-friendly) agricultural practices. It plays a crucial role in dealing with food security issues and reducing the carbon footprint. Green technologies and environmental sustainability are focused on the goals of green technologies, which are becoming increasingly important for ensuring sustainability. The Handbook of Research on Green Technologies for Sustainable Management of Agricultural Resources covers the applications of green technology as well as different eco-friendly technologies for the sustainable management of natural resources. It also explores the timely topic of enhancing crop productivity. It is ideal for agriculturists, farmers, botanists, technologists, policymakers, scientists, academicians, researchers, and students as it covers a variety of concepts such as organic farming and the role of green technologies.

Engineering Science Reference
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