Handbook of Research on Design, Deployment, Automation, and Testing Strategies for 6G Mobile Core Network
D. Satish Kumar, G. Prabhakar, R. Anand

To overcome the constraints of 5G for supporting new challenges, 6G wireless systems must be developed with new and attractive features. These systems are expected to increase performance and maximize quality of service several folds more than 5G along with other exciting features. However, 6G is still in its infancy and must be explored. The Handbook of Research on Design, Deployment, Automation, and Testing Strategies for 6G Mobile Core Network discusses the technological feats used in the new 6G wireless systems. It discusses the design, automation, and uses for industry as well as testing strategies. Covering topics such as 6G architecture, smart healthcare, and wireless communication, this major reference work is an excellent resource for computer scientists, engineers, students and professors in higher education, researchers, and academicians.

Engineering Science Reference
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