Computational Methodologies for Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Rajiv Singh, Ashutosh Kumar Singh, Ajay Kumar Dwivedi, P. Nagabhushan

Artificial intelligence has been applied to many areas of science and technology, including the power and energy sector. Renewable energy in particular has experienced the tremendous positive impact of these developments. With the recent evolution of smart energy technologies, engineers and scientists working in this sector need an exhaustive source of current knowledge to effectively cater to the energy needs of citizens of developing countries. Computational Methodologies for Electrical and Electronics Engineers is a collection of innovative research that provides a complete insight and overview of the application of intelligent computational techniques in power and energy. Featuring research on a wide range of topics such as artificial neural networks, smart grids, and soft computing, this book is ideally designed for programmers, engineers, technicians, ecologists, entrepreneurs, researchers, academicians, and students.

Engineering Science Reference
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