Handbook of Research on Advancements in Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering
Leonid Burstein

Production, new materials development, and mechanics are the central subjects of modern industry and advanced science. With a very broad reach across several different disciplines, selecting the most forward-thinking research to review can be a hefty task, especially for study in niche applications that receive little coverage. For those subjects, collecting the research available is of utmost importance. The Handbook of Research on Advancements in Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering is an essential reference source that examines emerging obstacles in these fields of engineering and the methods and tools used to find solutions. Featuring coverage of a broad range of topics including fabricating procedures, automated control, and material selection, this book is ideally designed for academics; tribology and materials researchers; mechanical, physics, and materials engineers; professionals in related industries; scientists; and students.

Engineering Science Reference
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